Services offered


 We understand it is not easy to manage tax and statutory requirements in today’s regulator environment. Tax legislation regularly changes and there has been an increase in transparency required by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and the other authorities such as Revenue NSW with land tax and payroll tax. As such, appropriate tax advice is of the upmost importance.

Our firm has extensive experience with taxation, having been tax agents for many years. We are committed to assisting client’s with their tax governance and planning to meet their compliance requirements. Such assistance may be at the corporate level and also at the individual level. We can assist employers to ensure compliance while reducing costs regarding fringe benefits tax compliance, salary packaging, termination payments, superannuation, payroll tax and superannuation advice.

We can also assist with identifying tax exposure on potential business deals and assist to ensure it is tax-efficient. Tax planning and minimisation similar to compliance is a focus of ours, whether the client is a small individual or large public company.

Our tax experience can cover areas such as;

  • Goods and services tax (GST)

  • Business activity statement returns (BAS)

  • NSW land tax

  • Superannuation - from both employer and employee perspectives

  • Commercial and residential real estate investment properties

  • Capital gains tax

  • Fringe benefits tax

  • Corporate restructures

  • Estate planning

  • Taxation on liquidation of a company